・株式会社風の旅行社主催「宮城県・金華山 鹿の角を拾ってものづくり 復興支援ツアー」
Going into the fields and mountains where deer live, and collecting the antlers that are shed each time the deer grow,
or partake in the surplus of wild game and be grateful for the horns.
The artist uses the process of recycling the natural materials obtained in this way to carve out small pieces that celebrate life,
to have it used by people who understand its meaning and value.
Activity examples :
・“ Collecting Deer Antlers and Making Things : Reconstruction Support Tour at Miyagi Prefecture, Kinkasan Island ” sponsored by KAZE TRAVEL CO.,LTD
・Participation in the “ bricoleur “ movement held by Sustainable Design Kobo Inc.
写真集「霊島金華山の鹿たち」1冊 / Japanese - English bilingual 1photo book “ DEER AND FRIENDS OF THE SPIRITUAL ISLAND KINKANSAN ”
「霊島金華山の鹿たち」 三上義弘が60年近く前の金華山に生きた鹿と猿の様子をフィルムカメラで撮影した写真集です。 この写真集は、金華山という閉じた環境で生息する鹿や猿の神秘的な自然を感じることができるだけでなく、鹿の可愛らしさや野生の風格、猿と鹿の不思議な関係なども存分に楽しむことができます。 写真1枚1枚に込められたフォトグラファー三上義弘の愛情と、鹿たちが持つ不思議な魅力を見ていただきたいです。 【 書籍詳細】 B5サイズ(182mm×257mm) 94ページ 厚さ約10mm ▶︎こちらは1冊での注文になります。 (複数冊ご購入希望の方へ「3冊セット」もありますので商品ページからご確認いただきますようよろしくお願い申し上げます。 ※乱丁・落丁本はお取り替えいたします。 【 宮城県石巻市 金華山について】 金華山は宮城県の牡鹿半島の沖にぽっかりと浮かぶ島です。 そこにある黄金山(こがねやま)神社は、千年以上前に建てられ、東奥三霊場の一つとして古来より信仰を集めてきました。 今でも全国各地から参拝者が訪れています。その金華山には多くの鹿や猿が生息しています。 小さな孤島という閉ざされた環境の中で、生態系の変化や自然災害、気候変動などの影響をもろに受けながら、必死に命を繋いでいます。 その命を三上さんが重いフィルムカメラと望遠レンズを手に収めた記録です。 【 写真家プロフィールー】 三上 義弘(みかみ よしひろ) 昭和13年宮城県石巻市生まれ 石巻で100年以上続いた金物屋の3代目として生まれ、自身が引退するまで事業を行う。 その傍ら金華山に通い、数々の動物写真を撮影してきた。 過去にはテレビ・ラジオなどの放送番組や各社新聞紙等にその鹿や猿の写真が紹介された。 昭和58年 (1983) から平成22年 (2010) までの27 年間、金華山黄金山神社崇敬者総代を務めた。 【 鹿角プロジェクトと三上さんとの関係】 東日本大震災での復興支援ボランティアとして石巻入りした際に、三上さんと出会いました。 三上さんご自身も被災者であるのにも関わらず、慣れ親しんだ金華山黄金山神社の復興を切に願い、一緒に復興支援を行いました。 三上さんから金華山の鹿の写真を過去に撮っていたと聞きましたが、多くは津波に流され手元に残っていませんでした。 しかし、一部のネガフィルムが見つかり、この度写真集にし多くの方々に知ってもらおうと写真集にすることにしました。 " DEER AND FRIENDS OF THE SPIRITUAL ISLAND KINKANSAN " This is a collection of photographs that Yoshihiro Mikami took with a film camera of deer and monkeys that lived on Kinkasan (Mount Kinka Island) nearly 60 years ago. This is a Japanese - English bilingual book. This photo book not only allows you to feel the mysterious nature of deer and monkeys that live in the closed environment of Kinkasan, but also fully capture and enjoy the cuteness of deer, their wild character, and the strange relationship between monkeys and deer. You can enjoy it. We would like you to see the love that photographer Yoshihiro Mikami puts into each photo and the mysterious charm that deer have. [ Book details ] B5 size (182mm x 257mm) 94 pages Thickness approx. 10mm ▶︎This is a one-book order. (For those who wish to purchase multiple books, we also have a 3-books set, so please check the product page.) *We will replace copies with incorrect collating or missing pages. [ About Kinkasan, Ishinomaki City, Miyagi Prefecture ] Kinkasan (Mount Kinka Island) is an island floating off the coast of the Oshika Peninsula in Miyagi Prefecture. Koganeyama Shrine, which is located there, was built over a thousand years ago and has been worshiped since ancient times as one of the three sacred places in the north eastern part of the country. Even today, worshipers come from all over the country. Many deer and monkeys live on Kinkasan. In the closed environment of a small isolated island, they are desperately trying to survive while being affected by changes in the ecosystem, natural disasters, and climate change. This is a record of that life which Mikami captured with a heavy film camera and telephoto lens. [ Photographer profile ] Yoshihiro Mikami Born in 1939 in Ishinomaki City, Miyagi Prefecture. Born as the third generation of a hardware store in Ishinomaki that has been in business for more than 100 years, he ran the business until his retirement. While doing so, he commuted to Kinkasan and took numerous wildlife photographs. In the past, his deer and monkey photographs have been featured in TV, radio broadcast programs and newspapers. For 27 years from 1983 to 2010, he served as the Worshippers Representative of Kinkasan Koganeyama Shrine. [ Relationship between the Rokkaku Project and Mikami ] We met Mikami when we visited Ishinomaki as a volunteer to support reconstruction efforts following the Great East Japan Earthquake. Although Mikami himself was a disaster victim, he earnestly wished for the restoration of the Kinkasan Koganeyama Shrine, which he had become familiar with, and worked together to support its restoration. We heard that he had taken photos of deer on Kinkasan (Mount Kinka Island) in the past, but many of them were washed away by the tsunami and no longer remain. But recently, some of the negative films were found, and we decided to make it into this photo book, with the hope that as many people as possible could know about it. About shipping and delivery methods The shipping method for this product is as follows. Domestic shipping is free for orders over ¥10,000. click post This is a delivery method provided by Japan Post exclusively for small packages. Supports package tracking. Nationwide price ¥300
写真集「霊島金華山の鹿たち」3冊セット+ポストカード3種付き Japanese - English bilingual 3 photo book “ DEER AND FRIENDS OF THE SPIRITUAL ISLAND KINKANSAN ” with 3 types of postcards
写真集「霊島金華山の鹿たち」3冊セット+ポストカード3種付き 「霊島金華山の鹿たち」 三上義弘が60年近く前の金華山に生きた鹿と猿の様子をフィルムカメラで撮影した写真集です。 この写真集は、金華山という閉じた環境で生息する鹿や猿の神秘的な自然を感じることができるだけでなく、鹿の可愛らしさや野生の風格、猿と鹿の不思議な関係なども存分に楽しむことができます。 写真1枚1枚に込められたフォトグラファー三上義弘の愛情と、鹿たちが持つ不思議な魅力を見ていただきたいです。 【 書籍詳細】 B5サイズ(182mm×257mm) 94ページ 厚さ約10mm ▶︎こちらは3冊での注文になります。 (1冊でも販売していますので商品ページからご確認いただきますようよろしくお願い申し上げます。) ※乱丁・落丁本はお取り替えいたします。 【 宮城県石巻市 金華山について】 金華山は宮城県の牡鹿半島の沖にぽっかりと浮かぶ島です。 そこにある黄金山(こがねやま)神社は、千年以上前に建てられ、東奥三霊場の一つとして古来より信仰を集めてきました。 今でも全国各地から参拝者が訪れています。その金華山には多くの鹿や猿が生息しています。 小さな孤島という閉ざされた環境の中で、生態系の変化や自然災害、気候変動などの影響をもろに受けながら、必死に命を繋いでいます。 その命を三上さんが重いフィルムカメラと望遠レンズを手に収めた記録です。 【 写真家プロフィールー】 三上 義弘(みかみ よしひろ) 昭和13年宮城県石巻市生まれ 石巻で100年以上続いた金物屋の3代目として生まれ、自身が引退するまで事業を行う。 その傍ら金華山に通い、数々の動物写真を撮影してきた。 過去にはテレビ・ラジオなどの放送番組や各社新聞紙等にその鹿や猿の写真が紹介された。 昭和58年 (1983) から平成22年 (2010) までの27 年間、金華山黄金山神社崇敬者総代を務めた。 【 鹿角プロジェクトと三上さんとの関係】 東日本大震災での復興支援ボランティアとして石巻入りした際に、三上さんと出会いました。 三上さんご自身も被災者であるのにも関わらず、慣れ親しんだ金華山黄金山神社の復興を切に願い、一緒に復興支援を行いました。 三上さんから金華山の鹿の写真を過去に撮っていたと聞きましたが、多くは津波に流され手元に残っていませんでした。 しかし、一部のネガフィルムが見つかり、この度写真集にし多くの方々に知ってもらおうと写真集にすることにしました。 Japanese - English bilingual 3 photo book “ DEER AND FRIENDS OF THE SPIRITUAL ISLAND KINKANSAN ” with 3 types of postcards " DEER AND FRIENDS OF THE SPIRITUAL ISLAND KINKANSAN " This is a collection of photographs that Yoshihiro Mikami took with a film camera of deer and monkeys that lived on Kinkasan (Mount Kinka Island) nearly 60 years ago. This is a Japanese - English bilingual book. This photo book not only allows you to feel the mysterious nature of deer and monkeys that live in the closed environment of Kinkasan, but also fully capture and enjoy the cuteness of deer, their wild character, and the strange relationship between monkeys and deer. You can enjoy it. We would like you to see the love that photographer Yoshihiro Mikami puts into each photo and the mysterious charm that deer have. [ Book details ] B5 size (182mm x 257mm) 94 pages Thickness approx. 10mm ▶︎This will be an order of 3 books. Please do not mistake your order. *We will replace copies with incorrect collating or missing pages. [ About Kinkasan, Ishinomaki City, Miyagi Prefecture ] Kinkasan (Mount Kinka Island) is an island floating off the coast of the Oshika Peninsula in Miyagi Prefecture. Koganeyama Shrine, which is located there, was built over a thousand years ago and has been worshiped since ancient times as one of the three sacred places in the north eastern part of the country. Even today, worshipers come from all over the country. Many deer and monkeys live on Kinkasan. In the closed environment of a small isolated island, they are desperately trying to survive while being affected by changes in the ecosystem, natural disasters, and climate change. This is a record of that life which Mikami captured with a heavy film camera and telephoto lens. [ Photographer profile ] Yoshihiro Mikami Born in 1939 in Ishinomaki City, Miyagi Prefecture. Born as the third generation of a hardware store in Ishinomaki that has been in business for more than 100 years, he ran the business until his retirement. While doing so, he commuted to Kinkasan and took numerous wildlife photographs. In the past, his deer and monkey photographs have been featured in TV, radio broadcast programs and newspapers. For 27 years from 1983 to 2010, he served as the Worshippers Representative of Kinkasan Koganeyama Shrine. [ Relationship between the Rokkaku Project and Mikami ] We met Mikami when we visited Ishinomaki as a volunteer to support reconstruction efforts following the Great East Japan Earthquake. Although Mikami himself was a disaster victim, he earnestly wished for the restoration of the Kinkasan Koganeyama Shrine, which he had become familiar with, and worked together to support its restoration. We heard that he had taken photos of deer on Kinkasan (Mount Kinka Island) in the past, but many of them were washed away by the tsunami and no longer remain. But recently, some of the negative films were found, and we decided to make it into this photo book, with the hope that as many people as possible could know about it. About shipping and delivery methods The shipping method for this product is as follows. Domestic shipping is free for orders over ¥10,000. letter pack plus This is a delivery method provided by Japan Post exclusively for small packages. Supports package tracking. Nationwide price ¥520
ポストカード「霊島金華山の鹿たち」より3種 3 types of photos in postcard-set from " DEER AND FRIENDS OF THE SPIRITUAL ISLAND KINKANSAN "
写真集「霊島金華山の鹿たち」に収められている写真3種類のポストカードです。 表紙にもなった、勇ましい雄鹿を正面から捉えた写真、袋角の産毛が綺麗に写った写真、居眠りしている猿の様子を捉えた写真、の3種がセットになります。 3 types of photos in postcard-set from " DEER AND FRIENDS OF THE SPIRITUAL ISLAND KINKANSAN " ¥550 tax included The set includes three photos : a frontal photo of the brave deer that is featured on the book cover, a photo showing the beautiful downy antlers, and a photo of resting monkeys. The shipping method for this product is as follows. Domestic shipping is free for orders over ¥10,000. fixed form mail It will be shipped in an envelope. Nationwide price ¥94